Monday, June 14, 2010

Good Times and Hard Times

Well,this weekend has been a rollar-coaster o events.

Friday was an amazing day!!! We were able to spend the day with one of my dearest friends in the world!! Michelle Nicholson with her two little ones..Ellie and Emma.We did as much as we could fit into one afternoon. The kids swam,played with toys,rode bikes, ate and played on the computer.Michelle even helped Raybon and Hannah swim!!! So much fun!!!

Saturday we had our one year follow-up with our adoption agency. I can't believe we have had Raybon for a year!!!

Sunday we had Lisa Collis come over for our bi-monthy visit. Lisa comes and spends about 2 hours with us. Lisa is deaf and is out mentor. She is precious!!! We love her so much and she has helped our whole family become a signing family.What would we do without her?

Well, this Sunday we played outside and the kids had so much fun!!!

On a sad note...Michaels Grandma died Sunday. She was in alot of as we miss her we also rejoice for her as she will no longer be in pain. We will miss her greatly.

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see your family! Looks like you all are busy busy and having fun!!! How cool that you have a girl come to your home to teach sign- amazing! So thankful Raybon is doing so well. Please give our condolences for his grandmother.
    Blessings and love!
