Sunday, October 24, 2010

Abigails Having fun at Cheerleading!!

This year the Northview Titans have had a great season and are going to playoffs!! Abigail has really enjoyed cheering for the Football Team and making great friends.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Panama City Beach

This past weekend we were able to go away for a few days and enjoy the beach. The kids had a blast!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gymnastic meet season

Well, its that time of the year for Gymnastic season.Madison has been having so much and doing so well!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School for Madison, Leah, Abigail and Hannah

Monday was the first day of school for Abigail, Hannah, Leah and Madison. Everyone had a great first day. I can't believe Leah is a senior this year!!! Abigail is in 8th grade, Madison is in 3rd grade and Hannah is now in 1st grade.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Leah gets her braces off !!

This Monday was a big day for Leah as she got her braces off!! She is so excited to have them off before she starts school on Monday..Her Senior year!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Augusta Science Museum

This year when we asked Madison what she wanted for her Birthday she said "I want to go to the Science Museum!!"We definitly weren't surprised because Science is her FAVORITE subject. Her Santa list last year had 4 things on it.Those things were a Microscope,Science kits,Globe and compass rose.

Madison was so patient because we had to put off her trip for a few months due to a death in the family on the day of her party.So, finally we went to Augusta and had a blast!!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Raybons First Day of School!!

Oh my goodness...this moring Raybon woke up signing SCHOOL!!! We went to visit his school this Saturday, so he knew it was coming time. Last night our Deaf mentor came over and we told him school was tomorrow.He was so excited to go to school. He must of signed school 100 times and when the bus finally came he ran as fast as he could to get on that bus. I am so happy he loves his school ...What a blessing!!!

Some photos of Raybon waiting for his bus and getting on with his bus driver Ella. It was so cute..they were so happy to see each other!!!! Enjoy

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Having Fun!!

Today Raybon wanted to wear these big black glasses all day. He was so cute even at bedtime he was still wanting his glasses I decided to take some pictures.Of course the girls had to get in on the fun!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My brother George and his son Nicky come to visit!!

Thank you sooo much George and Nicky for coming to see all of us. I loved seeing both of you!!

I had so much fun. I miss you sooo much!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fun In The Sun--Orange Beach 2010

Every year we go to Orange Beach with Mikes family and spend time just catching up. This year we thought hard about it because of the Oil but decided to go anyway. We had a blast!!! Michelle Tuffs along with her children came to have fun and what a great surprise.

I feel so lucky and blessed to have such a wonderful family and great friends!!! Thank you Bennett and Connie for a wonderful time!!!! Thank you Michelle for coming all the way to the beach to spend a few days with us

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Madison's Chinese dance photos

Well, awhile ago Madison was in a dance show..just now posting photos. She is in a new one this Sunday..thought I better post the last one before she is in a new one.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Good Times and Hard Times

Well,this weekend has been a rollar-coaster o events.

Friday was an amazing day!!! We were able to spend the day with one of my dearest friends in the world!! Michelle Nicholson with her two little ones..Ellie and Emma.We did as much as we could fit into one afternoon. The kids swam,played with toys,rode bikes, ate and played on the computer.Michelle even helped Raybon and Hannah swim!!! So much fun!!!

Saturday we had our one year follow-up with our adoption agency. I can't believe we have had Raybon for a year!!!

Sunday we had Lisa Collis come over for our bi-monthy visit. Lisa comes and spends about 2 hours with us. Lisa is deaf and is out mentor. She is precious!!! We love her so much and she has helped our whole family become a signing family.What would we do without her?

Well, this Sunday we played outside and the kids had so much fun!!!

On a sad note...Michaels Grandma died Sunday. She was in alot of as we miss her we also rejoice for her as she will no longer be in pain. We will miss her greatly.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

summers here

I didn't want to forget my beautiful daughter Leah...still can't believe shes 17!!!

Brandon is away..I'll have to catch him later.

Summer is here!!! The kids are enjoying the summer days!! Thought I would post a few photos for friends and family.