Well, Tuesday was an amazing Day!!! It is so hard to put into words the emotions that flooded over me. In late June we went for the first time to an Audiologist and sat in the hearing booth with no response to sound. It was so sad to see that he couldn't hear and didn't respond to any sounds. We then had scheduled a ABR under sedation. The results showed that he was not Profoundly deaf but moderate in left ear and moderate to severe in right ear!! These results were so encouraging because we knew that hearing aids would be a possiblity. We were not against the Cochlear Implants but prayed that the hearing aids would work. So, on Tuesday August 11th we went into the new Audiologist office that specialized in hearing aids for children and put in his aids. Our next step was into the hearing booth to see if he would respond to sound. Oh my goodness when the sounds started to come and he turned at every sound!!! I felt chills on my arms and tears in my eyes. God is so good!!!!
His hearing is like a newborn baby hearing for the first time so he hears the sounds but doesn't know what to do with it. He is having speech therapy and will attend Atlanta School for the Deaf in November. They will bascially continue his signing and teach him to speak.
I'll keep posted with the updates.